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Wound Balm for Animals

Product Narrative, T. S. Fox, Ph.D.

This product is an emulsion of the extract of burdock root, echinacea root and yarrow herb in olive oil and beeswax. It is applied topically as needed.

Wound Balm for Animals is one of our most popular products due to its strong efficacy on ailments including:

Animals sometimes lick off this product. Powdered yarrow (e.g. Wound Aid for Animals) is very bad tasting and adheres well to Wound Balm for Animals. It is recommended that a thin layer of Wound Aid for Animals be applied to Wound Balm for Animals to counter licking.

Wound Balm for Animals is recommended to be applied twice daily. On large granular wounds a liberal application is more appropriate than a sparing application.

If an infection is not clean and dry an acceleration of the infection may occur when sealed with any salve.


Echinacea – Echinacea angustifolia

Extract is anti-microbial, an immune system stimulant, and anti-inflammatory. Contrary to popular folklore there are many clinical trials that show that Echinacea is not effective as a cure or a treatment that lessons the symptoms of the common cold.

Yarrow – Achillea millefolium

Yarrow’s use as a wound treatment is dated back to at least 1200 B.C. to the Trojan War. It was called – Herba militaris – because of its utility as a treatment of war wounds. It is a vulnerary (i.e. wound treatment). Its primary historical efficacy is as a hemostat, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, cell proliferator and mild analgesic. It is particularly useful in treating wire cuts and other wounds on horses.

Nearly 200 chemical constituents have been determined in yarrow. While a very great deal of knowledge does not exist as to the pharmacology of individual yarrow chemical constituents some important knowledge exists. Yarrow’s anti-inflammatory pharmacology is due to chamazulene. This effect has been shown in rodent paw edema testing. Achilleine provides the hemostasis observed.

The essential oil of yarrow - which contains dozens of compounds - is active against S aureus; C albicans and it has stapholococci activity. Yarrow is active against E. coli, Shigella sonnei and many other bacteria. The chemistry responsible for yarrows marked anti-microbial properties is not well documented.

The body does not, by my observation, recognize powdered yarrow as foreign. It does not reject it and little scar tissue forms. Never have I had proud flesh develop on equine wounds treated with powdered yarrow.

I used to treat horse wounds by washing, bandaging and the use of, usually, penicillin. I don’t, anymore, restrain, scrub, bandage or use any other anti-microbial than the yarrow. I have treated well over 100 wounds by simply getting close enough to the horse to apply, by throwing, as much powdered yarrow to the open wound as will stick to the wound. I do this twice daily.

Burdock – Arctium lappa

Burdock has been used in traditional medicine for a host of ailments: cancer, diuretic, laxative and anti-microbial. The root is a tasty and nutritious food. It is high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamin and riboflavin. It contains inulin, up to half, and many acids, acetylenes and a xyloglucan.

It’s most important pharmacologic effects are with skin disorders and in causing the elimination of body wastes – frequently through the skin. Burdock is the most important ingredient in the well known Hoxey formula and it also is the primary active medicine in Buck Mountain Wound Balm.

The extract of burdock is used for topical treatment of many dermatitis ailments including fungus and viruses such as herpes complex and oral sores of all sorts. It is to be used systemically for infection, particularly fungal, viral and as a treatment for metabolic disorders.


We did not invent botanical medicines and we do not recommend that the use of botanical medicines should be undertaken on the strength of our restatement of historical usage and documented research.

We do restate well documented traditional efficacy and the results of ongoing research. Personal experience is included where deemed appropriate.

Regardless of the merits of any plant medicine, side effects do sometimes occur. These may be real or imagined. Always seek the counsel and advice of qualified medical professionals and use caution with any medication, plant derived or otherwise. We do not accept responsibility for the use or misuse of any product put forth or any information provided.


  1. Oral dosages as given are for carnivores by body weight. It is advised to dose low initially and adjust upwards as the circumstances direct.
  2. Do not scale up dosages for large herbivores by their weight! Large herbivores, such as cattle or horses, usually require approximately twice the dosage of a 200 lb. carnivore.
  3. Terrence S. Fox, Ph.D., the founder of Buck Mountain Botanicals, Inc. is a life member of United Plant Savers, a member of the American Holistic Veterinary Medicine Association, a member of the Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association and is Treasurer of the Veterinary Research Council, Inc.
  4. Dr. Fox is deeply involved in researching the global literature on botanical medicine and their efficacy in veterinary practice. This research is expected to result in: identifying needed clinical trials, establishing standards for botanical medicine, recommended dosages of botanical medicine and recommended clinical procedures for their use.

This research is being conducted by the Veterinary Research Council, Inc., of which, Dr. Fox is Treasurer.

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